How to cancel my subscription?
How does the free trial work and what is included in it?
What's your pricing? How it works? How much does it cost?
How many takedown requests can I make per day? How can I submit links (URLs) myself? 🔨
Is Rulta automatically sending takedown requests or do I have to submit them manually?
I don't use this username / I don’t create content anymore. Do you remove older content?
Do I need to give you my legal name?
I don't want to receive Daily Emails & How to turn off Email Notifications
How to use Google Image Collector tool/extension?
How can I reach the Onlyfans Handbook? Any Onlyfans tips?
What is the "Review URL" page on my Dashboard?
What's Rulta Watermak feature? Who leaked my content? How can I benefit Watermark Tech?