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Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel, Verify, Invoices
Payment, Invoices and VAT 💳
How can I edit my payment/see my invoices? Can I add VAT information?
To modify your payment method, navigate to your Rulta dashboard and select the 'Billing' page which can be found on the left side of your interface. Here, you can make any necessary changes or updates to your preferred payment method. We use Paddle as a payment provider, it'll direct you to the Paddle page, so you'll need to move forward through Paddle pages. Upon completion of your transactio
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Upgrade, Downgrade and Pause Plan 🔄
How do I upgrade/downgrade/pause my subscription?
You can contact us through our live chat, so our support agents can help you upgrade/downgrade/pause your subscription and upgrading will be complete within 24 hours. Upgrade & Downgrade Plan Pause & Cancel Subscription Add & Remove Username Suggesting New Keywords
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I would like to stop my subscription but come back to Rulta later on. What should I do?
This way, you can save all your data and won’t have to sign up again when you decide to come back. Our pause option is free of charge and can be effective as long as you like.
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Can I upgrade to Premier or Legend if I am currently registered to the PRO service?
You can upgrade your plan at any time by contacting us through our Live Chat! If you already paid for monthly service, you only pay the price difference between your upgraded plan and your current plan (unused days are not included) price.
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Username and Keywords
How can I add a new username? I'd like to add a new profile.
It's easy to add a new username to your profile! Head over to your Dashboard, and click your username on the left side of the Dashboard. Click "Add Profile", you can add one of your old usernames, different stage names, or totally different friends. Just remember, We'll need a verification from the copyright owner!
How can I add more search term?
You can talk to our customer support specialist about your search term suggestions. The search terms you suggest are then added at the end of your registered username to generate a search term. Default search terms: onlyfans, porn, leaked, nude, camwhores. You can check your current search terms on Dashboard Set
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How should I enter my username and profile name when registering?
When subscribing to Rulta, you are required to enter a username and an online platform associated with it. This information combined makes up your Rulta profile. For example, if you’d like us to scan with your OnlyFans username, you need to enter your username and note that you have this username on OnlyFans. This information will then constitute your OnlyFans profile at Rulta. We use your username to search copyright infringements on Google, Social media and various websites. You can add
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How can I change my registered email address on Rulta?
We've 3 easy steps to change your email address in our database. Step 1: First, you should log out from your Dashboard. Step 2: Then, please Sign Up to our website with your requested email, on Rultacom Step 3: Get in touch with us through our live chat if you’d like to change your email address. We can easily transfer your new email to your current subscription.
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I’ve paid my subscription fee. Why has it expired? What should I do to reactivate it?
New subscriptions are activated and verified by the team within 12 hours. If your subscription seems to be expired, this could be due to a manual error. It could also be that the username you added isn’t unique, in which case we issue a refund immediately.
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